A FROM EACH FIRST filter splits the journey on every first occurrence of the starting context you specify in your query.

Example Query

TB - from each first query

Splitting Process

TB - Badge 1Find the first Web interaction. Mark that as the start of the journey.
TB - Badge 2Find the last non-Web interaction prior to the next Web interaction, Mark that as the end of the journey.
TB - Badge 3Continue process to the end of the journey.

Usage Notes

  • When using a FROM EACH FIRST filter, MXO always looks for the widest pair of corresponding interactions.

TB - from each first example


In this example, you end up with four customer journeys based on the specified filter criteria.

Suggested Scenarios

Use Case 1

Initial Question

How often do customers open an email in the Awareness stage relating to a specific product, continue to engagement, and then come back to open the email again?


FilterQuery Parameters
FROM EACH FIRSTStage = Awareness Activity type = Open email Proposition = Gold Cards
discover journeys from each first interaction(stage="Awareness" activity="Open email" proposition="/Customer 1st Bank/Personal Banking/Credit Cards/Gold Cards")


  • Customers who repeatedly opened the e-mail will have multiple journeys. This means differing customer and journey counts tell part of the story.
  • Subsequent openings of the email without any interactions between those ”opens” are included in the same journey. They do not produce different journeys.
  • The most dominant path end points reflect the last interaction prior to the customer opening the email again.

Suggested Best Practice

  • Add a "HAVING Count of Journeys > 1” filter to ensure query results include only customers who repeated the journey more than once.

Use Case 2

Initial Question

When do customers transition back to a product they have looked at, previously?

Note: This use case applies to all journey dimensions, helping to identify behavior that causes "cycling journeys" where customers often return to a previous interaction


FilterQuery Parameters
FROM EACH FIRSTProposition = Gold Cards
discover journeys from each first interaction(proposition="/Customer 1st Bank/Personal Banking/Credit Cards/Gold Cards")


  • Journeys returned for this query start with the first instance of a gold card interaction, include all subsequent and immediate gold card interactions and end when the user transitions to another proposition.
  • View journeys by proposition to see the other products to which customers transition and to understand other topics of interest.
  • Journey end points again highlight the last proposition/topic researched prior to returning to Gold Cards.