CSV Format

Sharing your customer data in CSV format provides you with a simple list of customer profiles and their associated attributes. Each row in the file contains information about a single customer profile. Each attribute value is separated by a comma.

Note: Data in the CSV file can only be separated by commas. Other delimiters, such as tabs or pipes are not supported.

Why choose CSV Format for my output?

Choose CSV as your output format if the endpoint with which you are sharing the data knows how to read and structure CSV, for example, Salesforce Marketing Cloud. CSV data is essentially unstructured data, so you must ensure that your endpoint knows how to format and read that data.

Example CSV file

In our example file, the following attributes are included in the data:

  • extuuid
  • customerkey
  • InControl
  • isDetractor
  • isPromoter
  • tid
  • utm

Line 1 in the file is the header. The subsequent lines contain customer data.

TB - CSV Output