Attributes Report

Attributes are data points MXO captures and collects against profiles as customers interact with your brand. Attributes help MXO store information that can be used either for orchestration and decisioning or for analytical purposes. MXO can capture Attributes as a customer enters information, for example, on an application form, and store those inputs against that customer's profile. MXO can also capture other attributes as a customer interacts, such as their traffic source or the campaign name that drove them to interact. Other attributes can be calculated and stored either in real time or pre-processed offline and saved against the profile.

Attributes are incredibly important and helpful when delivering personalizations. Speak to your Customer Success contact to help build out your strategy around attribute collection,find out why they are so important, and get ideas about what you can do to increase their value.

Attributes - Main

Attribute Summary All Time

This gives you a high-level overview and summary of the volumes of attributes collected across your customer base.

  • Profiles with Attributes are the total number of profiles where one or more attributes have been saved.
  • Attributes Collected is the total count of attribute values stored against the all profiles with attributes.
  • Attribute Values is the count of the different data values stored across the attributes collected. As an example of this. A brand has set up one attribute to collect the response to a question. The customer can answer yes, no or maybe. The Attributes count would be 1 and the Attribute Values count would be 3 as there are three different values.

Attributes - Summary All Time

Attribute Insights All Time

In a similar fashion to understanding the number of customer keys collected, it is also vital to understand the types and volumes of attributes being captured. This helps you when you are thinking about the types of personalizations your brand can execute. Actions can leverage these data points to target eligibility and use them when delivering personalized messages. A very simple example would be the capture of a postal code area. You can then use this postcode data to deliver a fine-tuned message about any offers in their region or neighborhood.

Attributes - Insights All Time

Tip: Attributes are equally powerful for unidentified profiles and can help you decide how you want to engage with them. Although they are anonymous customers, you can still deliver highly personalized engagement to them, using attributes collected during their interactions with your brand. Consider how you might use captured attributes to personalize engagement for returning unidentified users.

Identified and Unidentified Customer Attribute Summary

Provide an overview of how many attributes you have collected for both identified and unidentified customer profiles.

Attributes - Profile Summary

Attribute Keys All Time

Attribute Count lets you see the how many customers have one or more Attributes associated with their profiles. Using a combination of Attribute data leads to more powerful and engaging orchestrations.

Profiles by Attribute lets you see how many profiles have a value for each Attribute type. Use this table to identify where you might increase data capture or to consider the combination of attributes that you might want to use together to deliver highly personalized content.

Attributes - Keys

Tip: Remember, unlike the activities that a customer undertakes, attributes are singular and only the latest value for each is captured and stored. When designing how you leverage attributes, make sure you utilize them in the context of recent activity.