Intent Report

The relevancy of the communications you put in front of your customers, or, to put it another way, the conversations you have with your customers comes from understanding not only their interest but also their intent. MXO builds a picture of a customer’s intent by looking at Activity Types. Activity Types describe what a customer is trying to achieve when they are looking at a certain web page or a view in an app. MXO also uses Activity Types to describe the offline interactions customers have with a retail branch or call center so you can describe the purpose of the calls they make.

Activity Types use verbs to describe a customers intent. By analyzing the levels and volumes of Activity Types against different Propositions you can see what customers are trying to do. Are they researching, reviewing, purchasing, seeking help, renewing and more? To assist with building a better customer experience, understanding their intent and the content you provide to support that helps to identify areas in your journeys where you may be letting your customers down or areas that are working well. This report is very similar to the Interest report, but breaks down Propositions by associated Activity Types.

Intent - Main

Proposition Intent and Activity Volume

This section breaks out the different Activity Types configured by your brand, showing both volumes of customers by their intent and how engaging customers find the content you provide. When you first view this report, all Activity Types are present, so it is important that you filter these by the Propositions you provide. This gives you a more detailed level of context when analyzing performance.

Intent - Activity Volume

How do I Interpret this Information?

Across the bottom of this section are the Activity Types you have configured. Above each Activity Type is a bubble. The size of the bubble represents the number of profiles that have undertaken the activity type in the time period you select.

The height of the bubble represents both the level of customer intent and how effective your content is at helping customers answer their questions. The higher up the bubble, the greater the level of intent and engagement. MXO uses a simple calculation to represent the level of effectiveness by Activity Type:

Count of Activities by Activity Type / Number of Profiles that received that Activity Type

The more times a customer performs a type of activity, the greater their level of Intent. When you filter the report by Proposition, you can see clearly which types of activities are driving higher levels of interaction per customer by each Proposition.

Some Activity Types naturally drive higher levels of engagement, such as researching or comparing. If these are low, this may indicate that the content to support that type of customer activity is not that working well.

Other Activity Types should not drive high volumes in interactions and may indicate that your brand is failing to meet the customers intention. Some activities within a buying journey, for example, should be on the low side as you want customers to move along the purchase journey in a linear fashion (so a low number of activities per customer). If these are high, then that part of the journey is failing, and customers are coming back to it multiple times.

Engagement by Proposition

This section looks at the different Propositions and volumes of customers interacting with them. Understanding any differences in the interest levels of each Proposition by audience cohort highlights behavioral differences and can assist when thinking about different strategies to engage with the varying audience cohorts.

Intent - Eng by prop

Proposition by Activity Count and Proposition by Engagement Level

These sections should be used in tandem. You can see where the volumes of Activity Types happen against each Proposition. Filtering by the Activity Type shows where these volumes are occurring by each customer's intention, allowing you to quickly see what customers are trying to do and how well you are supporting those customers needs.

Intent - Eng Level