Interest Report

Understanding which products and services your customers are interested in helps you understand if your brand are selling the right things. Quite a fundamental thing, you might be thinking! It's not unusual for a brand to measure the conversion rate of customers looking at products and the amount of transactions relating to that product to help understand the success of product sales. This alone, however, may be misleading and direct brands towards the wrong product and priority decision.

Not only should you analyze the levels of interest in your products by looking at profile volumes, you should also analyze how interesting those products are for your customers. If the information that you are providing about your products is not interesting or answering your customers information and transactional needs, they will show no interest in buying your products. They simply move to another brand that helps them answer their questions and makes their buying decisions easier.

This report shines a light not only on what your customers are interested in but also how interesting they find the associated content you provide.

Interest - Main

How do I Interpret this Report?

The size of the bubble represents the audience size that is looking at the Proposition (product) you are selling. Hover over the bubble to see the exact counts. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the audience and the greater the interest levels.

The height of the bubble represents how interesting customers find the content that you provide. product uses a basic engagement calculation to achieve this.

Proposition Interest and Activity Volume

The more activities generated per profile, indicates that customers are engaging with your content at a higher rate. A Proposition that has low engagement (shown low on the chart) is a strong indicator that the content you provide is not helping them achieve their informational and purchasing decisions. Investigate further using the Intent Report and then use Journey Analysis to discover what you need to change to help your customers more. Prioritize large bubbles that are low on the chart to immediately drive up value for your customers and your brand.

Interest - Prop

Customer Type Activity by Proposition

Breaks down the volume of activities by Proposition to provide deeper insights across the different audience cohorts. You can quickly see levels of product interest by the different audiences and look for opportunities to deliver more relevant content to different customers based on where they are in their relationship with your brand.

Interest - Activity

Tip: New customers are going to be interested in information about why they should buy from you. Identified and returning customers may be looking for different information. They may also be existing customers looking for supplies or help and support. Consider prioritizing content with orchestrations based on the audience type to increase sales or self-service and satisfaction.

Proposition by Activity Count and Interest Level

Compare these two sections to identify where your content is not working. It is very similar to the first section on this page. Activity count shows you where customers are interacting; interest level shows you how engaging they are finding that Proposition. Add any Propositions with high activity counts and low interest scores to your investigations.

Interest - Count and Level