Recognition Report

Possibly one of the most important reports included in Engagement Insights, recognition is key to driving customer-centricity and better performing orchestrations and engagement. Understanding how well you are doing at driving identity collection is vital during the early days of using the MXO . Once you are up and running and have good level of recognition, knowing where your recognized users interact is critical when hypothesizing and designing your customer engagement strategies. Knowing where your recognized and unrecognized customers interact makes sure that you focus your efforts in the right place to have maximum reach and success.

Recognition - Main

Identified Profiles by Day

This section provides you with an understanding of the volumes of identified customers interacting with your brand daily.

Recognition - Day

Tip: You may often see large spikes of identified customers when an email campaign is sent to a large audience base. Email is one of the fastest and easiest ways of driving recognition. As these customers open their emails, this interaction is captured by MXO and can manifest itself in these reports as a large spike of identified profiles. Speak to your Customer Success representative about how you can drive recognition volumes using email.

Number of Identifiers by Profile/Number of Profiles by Key Type

Most brands have several customer keys. This is because your customer data is spread across different marketing or customer technologies. Each customer is potentially known by a different identifier in each of these systems. To enable MXO to link a customer across these different systems, MXO can store multiple keys against each profile.

Identifiers by Profile shows you how many profiles have one or more keys. The rule of thumb here is the more customers with multiple keys the better. Each key represents another system that MXO can talk or send data to, so understanding how many keys each profile has is a good way to understand the maturity of your recognition strategy.

Profiles by Key Type shows you which key type has been collected and the number of profiles by each key. Any key with a low count indicates that you need to do more to increase the level of key collection for that system or service.

Recognition - All Time

Identification Reports by Channel, Touchpoint, & Proposition

Knowing where your identified and unidentified customers interact helps you look for opportunities to engage with them and also to optimise where you deploy your recognition strategies.

  • Channel. Compare where the two different audience types interact, and the volume of opportunity different Channels represent.
  • Touchpoint. Look for difference in the level of interaction each audience type is achieving on the different Touchpoints that you provide your customers.
  • Propositions. Understanding which products and services your customer base is looking at allows you to look for opportunities to drive greater sales or support. Knowing how many identified customers are looking at a certain product helps you to understand how much opportunity there is to reach that customer base according to their current interest. Having a high count of identified profiles by Propositions means that you can consider highly targeted outbound campaigns to drive increased up-sell, cross-sell, or renewal.
  • Recognition - Reports by