Retention Report
This report focuses its attention on your returning customers. Retention rate is a key KPI that every brand should actively track as part of their customer analysis. A low retention rate means your customers are not coming back. Consequently your lifetime brand value suffers. More importantly, low levels of retention undermine your company’s economic performance. Brands with low retention rates do not stay around for long.
Returning Profiles by Day and Returning Profiles Summary
These show the number of active customers returning daily and also provide a summary of their activity during the time period you select.
Returning Profiles by Channel, Touchpoint, and Proposition
These sections help you understand where this important audience cohort interacts and what they are looking at. When you are considering any orchestrations to target these customers, knowing where, when, and how frequently they interact helps to ensure that you deliver the right messages to the right locations, at the right time to reach the greatest audience size.
Returning customers are naturally a more engaged audience cohort as they are already familiar with your brand from previous interactions. They have been through the awareness stage, are familiar with your products and services and are returning for a purpose. This gives brands a significant opportunity to make a longstanding impression and increase the value of this cohort.