Assets Report
Assets represent the content and messages that brands serve to customers when delivering an Action. An Action represents the rules and eligibility logic. Each Action will have one or more Asset variations that could be shown. MXO enables brands to test different variations of assets to discover and test which version of message, image or call to action drives the greatest level of engagement with the targeted audience.
Asset by Day
Lets you quickly see which of your assets are being served across the time period you select.
Asset Performance
This section shows you how the different Assets are performing by Action. Sort by Action Name to easily see the different Assets for each Action and check the volumes and response rate for your customers.
CTR by Touchpoint
Quickly see the levels of engagement you are achieving on the various Touchpoints that you provide to your customers. Are these as expected? Is there a difference between the number of Actions being served and the CTR being achieved?
Asset and Optimization Point Performance
This section provides a more detailed view of how Actions and their associated Assets are performing across different Optimization Points.