What are Engagement Insights?

MXO's Engagement Insights reports aim to provide you with an easy-to-access and quick-to- understand range of metrics that highlight different macro patterns of customer behavior. These insights answer many common questions about how customers are engaging with your brand and, more importantly, should spark deeper analysis to help you understand why your brand goals are not performing and why your customers needs are not being met. Consider Engagement Insights as complimentary to the more detailed process of Journey Analysis. Ultimately, your aim should be to achieve a balance between better understanding of your own brand goals and supporting your customer's needs.

Why do I need Engagement Insights?

Relationships are built upon two-way communication and a mutual respect for each party's needs. The same applies to your brand and how you use it to communicate and engage with your customers. Effective use of journey and engagement analytics can help you create an experience that fulfills your business goals while at the same time meeting your customers informational and transactional needs.

Think of it this way. Your brand has an agenda, and everyone who visits has their own agenda. In most instances, your visitor's agenda differs from your brands and a lopsided focus on one or the other will impede your brands ultimate success. When brands define their KPI's they focus heavily on the final goal, often ignoring customer intent and what motivates them to take the desired actions that contribute to that goal. When you are defining your goals, KPI's, and metrics, as a brand, you need to consider not only the brands objectives, but also your customers purpose for visiting. To deliver engaging customer experiences that build loyalty and accelerate performance, as analysts, we must learn to manage this balancing act.

For more information, see Engagement Insights.