What are Customer Attributes?

Customer Attributes are individual pieces of data relating to a customer.

Customer Attributes can be simple data attributes, such as a customer’s first name, last name, age, preferences or they can be key attributes, used to identify and link a customer across different Touchpoints.

As well as providing a large number of out-of-the-box data attributes, MXO also lets you create new attributes, allowing you to capture and store any information about your customers that you feel is relevant to your customer engagement strategy.

Customer Attributes Main Screen

What are key attributes?

A key attribute is what MXO uses to identify a customer when they visit a Touchpoint. MXO allows you to create multiple key attributes in your Space. Customer data for these multiple Key attributes is stored against a single TID, enabling MXO to track a customer across multiple Touchpoints and Channels.

Key attributes are identified by a key icon on both the Attributes page in MXO , as shown above, and in the Data Item Picker used for creating Eligibility Rules.

Attributes DIP

How do I create customer attributes?

You create new attributes using the Attributes page in MXO . Use Attribute Capture Points to populate your new attributes with data.

Customer attribute data is updated whenever MXO captures new information about a customer. For example, if a customer provides a new email address, or updates their “Contact me” preferences on a form.

For more information, see Create and Manage Attributes.

Are there any limitations to the attribute values I can capture?

Yes. Captured attribute values must not exceed 2000 characters. Values containing 2001 characters or more are not captured and stored by MXO . This limitation applies to both simple data attributes and key attributes.