What are Customer Responses?

MXO provides the ability to track customer responses to optimizations on web, mobile, assisted and outbound Channels.

Whenever you have interact with a customer, MXO can track how the customer responds to the conversation. For example, on a web page you can track whether or not a customer responds positively to an offer by clicking on the optimized content displayed. In the call center, you may want to register that a customer is not interested in a particular offer, by tracking a negative response.

The types of responses you can track are dependent on Channel:

OutboundYes Yes

How do I track Customer Responses?


For Web Touchpoints, you can track positive responses automatically. If a customer clicks on an Action displayed on a web page, MXO tracks this as a positive response. You can configure other responses by adding additional markup to your web asset.

For more information, see Track Customer Responses (Web Channel).

Mobile and Assisted

For mobile and assisted Touchpoints, you configure customer responses on a per Asset basis. You can manage how and where you redirect customers and what you present to those customers to continue the conversation based on their previous responses. For example, if a customer responds positively to an optimization in a mobile app, you can configure MXO to redirect them to a website for more information or open the dialer to put them in contact with a call center agent. In a call center, you can configure MXO to refresh the list of Next Best Conversation Actions to remove those a customer is not interested in.

For more information, see Track Customer Responses (Mobile and Assisted Channels).


For outbound email communications generated by MXO , you configure the tracking of customer responses on a per action basis, using the Response Tracking API. You can configure links in an email to point to the Response Tracking API, allowing you to track clicks on those link as a positive response. You can also include a tracking pixel (beacon) to track email opens as a neutral response.

We provide your organization with both a URL pointing at our Response Tracking API and the response codes you need to include to track positive customer responses. Configure any links for which you want to track positive customer responses to include our URL, response codes, and the URL to which you want to redirect customers, for example, to the landing page on your website.

For more information, see Track Customer Responses (Outbound Communications).

How does MXO identify different Customer Responses?

MXO uses response codes to identify different customer responses. Response codes are strings of text generated by MXO containing all the relevant information required to track incoming response data for the correct customer and against the correct Touchpoint, Action, and Asset. This information enables MXO to make a decision about the best conversation to have with a customer in the future, based on their previous responses.

How can I use Customer Response Data?

How customers respond to optimizations enables you to manage how and where you redirect those customers and what you present to them as the next part of the conversation. For example, if a customer responds positively to an optimization in a mobile app, MXO can redirect that customer to a website for more information or open the dialer to put them in contact with a call center agent. In a call center, you can configure MXO to refresh the list of Next Best Conversation actions to remove those a customer is not interested in.

If a customer response is negative or neutral you can use that data within Eligibility Rules, to suppress or prevent that optimization being shown to the same customer again. For example, a call center agent starts a conversation with a customer about an offer on a mobile phone contract. The customer responds, saying that they are not interested in that particular offer. The call center agent can register the customers lack of interest to ensure that the next time the customer interacts with the organization on a different Touchpoint, they are not presented with that offer again.

This helps to build customer loyalty by ensuring customers are not presented with content in which they have no interest.