What are Optimization Points?

Optimization Points are the locations where Actions are inserted or returned, and are typically located on a page of a web site, mobile site, or other Touchpoint presentation front-end.

All Optimization Points contain a rule, or set of rules, that determine the best Action to take at that point.

Examples of how and where Optimization Points can be used include:

  • Contact center (such as a call center or branch) agent conversing with a customer. For example, a script window on the agent page showing the next best conversation for the current customer.
  • Visitor or customer to a standard web site (using mobile, tablet, or full UI). For example, displaying a personalized promotional offer to a customer on a web page.
  • Visitor or customer interacting with a mobile app or mobile-optimized site. For example, changing the navigation on a screen to display a customers most frequently used pages or links.

MXO provides both online and offline Optimization Points.

Online Optimization Points

Online Optimization Points let you present optimized content to the Touchpoint where a customers is currently interacting with your brand. For example, if a customer on your website or mobile app is currently showing an interest in a specific product or service, you can immediately present them with a promotional offer for that product or service.

Offline Optimization Points

Offline Optimization Points let you optimize the customer experience to a Touchpoint other than the one they are currently interacting with. For example, if a customer fills in a quote form on your website, you can use an offline Optimization Point to create a lead in your CMS, trigger an outbound email or send the customer an SMS as a follow up.

Optimization Points and Viewpoints

Viewpoints ensure the correct content variation is displayed on each Touchpoint. You define viewpoints as part of the Optimization Point creation process. Typically, you'll use the MXO Extension to define and edit Optimization Points for a website. Optimization Points for other Touchpoint types, such as mobile apps and call centers, are created directly in MXO.

You use viewpoints to determine which Asset should be shown on each Touchpoint. This enables you to reuse existing Actions, rather than having to create new ones.

For example, you can have a single Action with three different Assets, a large graphic for your website, smaller graphic for your mobile site, and agent script for your call center, each associated with a different viewpoint. This ensures the correct Asset is displayed on each of your Touchpoints.

How do I configure Optimization Points?

For the web Channel, use the MXO Extension to define and edit online Optimization Points. For other Channels, define and edit both online and offline Optimization Points using the main MXO UI.