What are Viewpoints?

Viewpoints ensure the correct content variation is displayed for Touchpoints on different Channels or for different Optimization Points. This enables you to reuse existing Actions, rather than having to create new ones.

For example, to reuse an Action across multiple Touchpoints, you can have three different Assets to display for that Action; a large graphic for your website, smaller graphic for your mobile site, and agent script for your call center, each associated with a different viewpoint. This ensures the correct Asset is displayed on each of your Touchpoints.

To reuse an Action across different Optimization Points, you can provide one asset for the hero banner, another for the mini feed, and a third for the main page.

You define viewpoints as part of the Optimization Point creation process. Typically, you'll use the MXO Extension to define and edit Optimization Points for a website. Optimization Points for Touchpoints on other Channels, such as mobile apps and call centers, are created directly in MXO .

For more information about creating and configuring viewpoints, see Define Where to Show Personalized Content to Customers.