Call Target on/off settings

Learn how to effectively manage the On/Off settings on the Call Target page, including callback functionality, threshold settings, and handling callbacks outside of business hours.

The On/Off section of the Call Target page allows you to enable or disable callback functionality for a Call Target at any time. In this section, you can control whether the Call Target will register new callback requests and/or whether it will dial pending callbacks to customers. You can also set thresholds in this section to temporarily stop offering callbacks when the Estimated Callback Time (ECBT) or current number of pending callbacks reaches a certain level.

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > General tab

screenshot of the call target page, highlighting the on off settings

Register Callbacks

The Register Callbacks checkbox determines whether the Call Target can offer callbacks to customers. Customers attempting to register a callback when the box is unchecked will hear "We are unable to offer callbacks at this time", then the call will be disconnected.

When you unselect the box, callbacks already registered beforehand will be dialed and placed in the high-priority holding queue as usual. Any new calls will not be offered a callback until the box is selected again.

  • A similar option can be found on the Global Settings page if you need to disable the callback offer for all Call Targets at once.
  • If you would like to temporarily disable the Call Target entirely, deselect both the Register Callbacks and Process Callbacks checkboxes until you are ready to reactivate the Call Target.

Max Requested Callbacks

The Max Requested Callbacks field sets the maximum number of pending and waitlisted callbacks allowed before the callback offer is disabled and new callers are transferred to hold. When the threshold is reached, Mindful will stop offering callbacks and transfer new inbound calls to the holding queue until the number drops below the threshold again.

To allow unlimited callbacks, enter 0 for Max Requested Callbacks and 00:00:00 for Max ECBT.

Thresholds can be enforced on your ACD before sending calls to Mindful, or you can use Max Requested Callbacks and Max ECBT on the Mindful platform. The best practice depends on your specific integration and routing design. We recommend consulting with a Mindful representative when deciding how to handle this part of your integration.


The Max ECBT field sets the maximum ECBT allowed when offering callbacks. If the ECBT reaches the maximum value entered here, new inbound calls will be transferred to hold until the ECBT drops below this value.

ECBT Threshold cannot be used to set a minimum turn-on threshold for offering callbacks. A minimum turn-on threshold must be configured on your ACD platform and evaluated before sending calls to Mindful. See the note and best practices in the previous section (Max Requested Callbacks) for more information.

Process Callbacks

The Process Callbacks checkbox determines whether the Call Target can launch outbound calls. This setting is meant to be toggled Off in an emergency when you need to temporarily disallow callback dialing. The option is meant to be used when you are experiencing a suddenly high influx of calls or your staffing level is unexpectedly reduced. This can alleviate some of the strain on your agents by not including high-priority callbacks in their rotation and allowing them to take calls out of the normal holding queue instead.

When Process Callbacks is deselected, Mindful will continue to provide customers with the opportunity to request a callback. However, callbacks will not be launched at their designated time but will be added to the internal waitlist until conditions change. When the box is selected, the Call Target can dial callbacks as usual.

  • If Process Callbacks remains unselected for an extended period of time, a large number of callbacks could be added to the waitlist and launched all at once when processing resumes.
  • Callers will not be presented with the current ECBT when Process Callbacks is unselected.
  • See the earlier section on the Register Callbacks setting for more information.

Preventing Callbacks Outside of Business Hours

There are additional settings available to help you manage callbacks towards the end of the day. End of Day Handling settings (Call Target > General tab) allow you to offer next-day callbacks before the end of business hours to prevent callbacks from being dialed after the Hours of Operation are closed.

If the Offer Next Business Day Callbacks setting is disabled, be aware that callbacks could be registered up to the last moment of the Hours of Operation, which could cause callbacks to be dialed after the end of the business day.

If you do not enable Offer Next Business Day Callbacks and you wish to prevent callbacks from being dialed after business hours, then you will need to deselect the Process Callbacks checkbox at the end of the day and select it when you are ready to take callbacks again. You can use Smart Rules to automate this daily change, if you would like.