Using redaction with V‑Cloud

Set the scrubtext and scrubaudio parameters to true to enable default redaction in a V‑Cloud API request. The following request has default redaction enabled:

curl -F file=@sample1.wav \
     -F token=t123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000 \
     -F scrubtext=true \
     -F scrubaudio=true \

Retrieve and output the redacted transcript and audio to a zip file:

curl -sL "$token" -o

Use the scrubconf parameter to define custom redaction rules in a V‑Cloud API request. Define the custom redaction rules as the value of scrubconf . The following request contains a single redaction rule to match all mentions of the word "resolved" and replace them with the word "SCRUBBED":

curl -F file=@sample1.wav \
     -F token=t123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000 \
     -F scrubtext=true \
     -F scrubconf='[{"regex":"resolved","repl":"SCRUBBED"}]' \

The scruboffset parameter can delay redaction until specified (N) seconds into audio. The following example is a V‑Cloud API request where default redaction activates 10 seconds into the provided audio file:

curl -F file=@sample1.wav \
     -F token=t123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000 \
     -F scrubtext=true \
     -F scrubaudio=true \
     -F scruboffset=10 \

Refer to Redaction Parameters for more detailed information on the parameters used in the examples above.