Substitution file priority

Substitution is performed by locating patterns and replacing the matched text. The patterns are ordered, which affects the way substitutions are performed. For example, suppose the transcribed text is:

Hello, my name is Justin. Who am I talking to?

If the first pattern changes talking to to speaking with, the result would be:

Hello, my name is Justin. Who am I speaking with?

Any later pattern searching for the word talking would not find it, since it has been changed to speaking.

Once the last pattern has acted, no further changes will be made.

Substitution files and rules are applied to transcripts in a certain order. All the rules in the hierarchy apply and do not override the others. The following list is the order of application for substitution files and rules:

  1. Built-in language model substitutions:

    1. Packaged by Voci — DO NOT MODIFY!

    2. Rules contained in /opt/voci/models/[LANG]/[MODEL]/substitutions.

  2. Built-in language substitutions:

    1. Packaged by Voci — DO NOT MODIFY!

    2. Rules contained in /opt/voci/models/[LANG]/substitutions.

  3. Language group substitutions:

    1. Automatically applied substitutions to all transcriptions which use a model from that language group.

    2. Match the name of the substitution file with the name of the language group.

    3. Place substitution rules in /opt/voci/state/substitutions/[GLOBAL_LANG].

  4. Language substitutions:

    1. Automatically applied language substitutions.

    2. Match the name of your substitution file to the name of the language.

    3. Place substitution rules in /opt/voci/state/substitutions/[LANG].

  5. Language model substitutions:

    1. Automatically applied language model substitutions.

    2. Match the name of your substitution file to the name of the language model.

    3. Place substitution rules in /opt/voci/state/substitutions/[LANG]:[MODEL].

  6. subst_list :

    1. V‑Blaze API Request using the subst_list parameter.

    2. Substitution files used with subst_list can have any name.

    3. Place substitution files in /opt/voci/state/substitutions/.

    4. Substitutions files apply in list order if multiple files are specified.

  7. subst_rules :

    1. V‑Blaze API Request using the subst_rules parameter.

    2. Specify the substitution rules as the value of subst_rules.

    3. Use the < operator in curl to automatically populate the value with the contents of a substitution file.