Output options

The following parameters are used to refine the transcription output. Refer to output for more information on using the output parameter.

Table 1. Output Options






V‑Blaze version 7.3+

true, false

Predicts whether the speaker is the agent or client. Set agentid=true when submitting a transcription request to enable agentid. Refer to agentscore for more information on this option.



false (default), true

This option explicitly allows curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and transfers. All SSL connections are attempted to be made secure by using the CA certificate bundle installed by default. This makes all connections considered "insecure" fail unless -k --insecure is used.

This option is only relevant when HTTPS URLs are provided for callback or utterance_callback.

Refer to http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html for more details on this parameter.


V‑Blaze version 7.3+

true, false

Set music=true to enable music detection.

When music detection is enabled, all utterances will be passed through an algorithm to be classified as music or non-music. Utterances classified as non-music will be handled as normal. Utterances classified as music are assumed to contain noisy audio and will not be transcribed.

Refer to Music for more information and options for this feature.



true (default), false

Controls whether certain words in transcribed text are converted into numeric digits and related conventional formats, including dollar amounts, wall-clock times, percentages, ordinals, web addresses, and telephone numbers. For example, with numtrans set to true (the default), the words “forty two percent” would be transformed into the text “42%”.

Refer to numtrans for more information on this parameter.



true, false, zip, 7z

Specifies whether or not to place the transcript within a compressed container, and if so, the type of the container.

Refer to outzip for more information on this parameter.



true (default), false

Controls whether transcript text is punctuated or not. In most cases it is desirable to leave punctuation turned on, but there are special cases where it should be turned off. For example, if you are evaluating the Word Error Rate (WER) of Voci’s transcripts, punctuation must be disabled.

As of V‑Blaze version 7.1.0-1, setting punctuate=false will generate English output in lowercase.


V‑Blaze version 7.3+

true (default), false

The textinfo object is included in a JSON transcript by default when any text is decoded from an audio file. To exclude the textinfo object, specify the stream tag textinfo=false when submitting audio for transcription.

For more information, refer to The textinfo object.



Seconds (float)

Specifies the number of seconds of audio in the incoming audio file that will be transcribed. This option cannot be used with the transcode option.



Specifies a string to be appended at the truncation point when a jsontop or text transcript is truncated.



Specifies a decryption key to be used to access audio submitted within an encrypted archive.


V‑Blaze version 7.3+

true (default), falseShows the number of distinct speaker turns detected in the audio, indicated by turns.



Specifies an encryption key to be used to encrypt transcription results within the returned archive.