
V‑Spark supports multiple user groups, or tenants, with a 3-level hierarchical structure that defines and separates each tenant's configuration and data.

  1. At the top level, each user account is associated with a single company, generally defined as the company the user works for.
  2. A company must have at least one organization, usually a team or department within a company.
  3. At the lowest level, a user account has configurable company- and organization-oriented permissions.

V‑Spark supports both local and cloud deployments. In both of these instances, setting up an organized and configurable multitenant solution is important for the security and functionality of the tool. Multitenancy enables multiple groups of users to have access to the same engine instance of V‑Spark although configurations and data are kept separate.

In the cloud, multitenancy enables multiple tenants to use the same V‑Spark interface without any tenant company knowing about the other. Alternatively, multitenancy with a local deployment allows organizations within a company to view audio independent of other groups, keeping private data separate from the larger set of company users.


V‑Spark uses multiple logical units with specific configurations and permissions to organize audio and transcription data. These logical units can be thought of as components of the V‑Spark hierarchy:

Companies are the highest-level logical units in a host system. Only system administrators or users with company-level admin permissions can view and modify company configurations.
Each organization is associated with a single company.
Folders are used to process and organize audio, analytics, and transcript data with specific attributes and applications. Each folder is associated with a single organization.
Applications are customized analytics tools. Each application is associated with a single organization. Applications can't be shared across organizations, but they can be used with multiple folders.
User accounts are associated with a single, primary company, but they can have access to additional companies and multiple organizations. User permissions are distinct for each company and organization on the system.

A single system may have multiple instances of each entity in the hierarchy.

Note: Before it can process audio, V‑Spark must have at least one company, organization, and folder configured for transcription and analysis.

The following diagram shows an example deployment with multiple companies and organizations that have both shared and discrete access to various folders and applications:example deployment hierarchy