Create or modify an application

Create a new application by pressing the blue + button. The Create New Application dialog displays:

create new application dialog
  1. Organization — Dropdown list of companies and organizations to which the application belongs.

  2. Application Name — The application name, which is limited to numbers, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters.

  3. Default Score Type — Choose the default score type to be displayed on graphs. Hit/Miss is selected by default. See the V‑Spark Application Development Guide for a detailed explanation of scoring.

  4. Template Options — Offers three options for template generation:

    • Build from scratch — create a custom application

    • Use preset template — use a defined template, if any have been provided with V‑Spark

    • Copy from existing organization — enables users to create a new application based on any existing application

  5. Templates — Depending on the template option selected, this is a list of either preset templates or existing applications from other organizations to copy.

  6. Link to Folders — The name(s) of the folder(s) this application will score.

Modify an application

Modify an application by selecting the Edit icon to the left of the application in the Settings, Applications section. The fields in the dialog display that results are the same as the Create New Application window.