Building and customizing

The next few sections discuss everything you need to know about creating and customizing applications. The mechanics of the Application Editor are presented first, followed by a description of best practices for building an application.

Regardless of how you created an application, you will often want to customize it. V‑Spark includes a graphical application editor to simplify this task.
Note: As of V‑Spark 4.0, concurrent application editing by more than one user is not supported. Learn more: Known issues

To access the application editor, select Applications from the Settings dropdown. Type the name of the application that you want to customize in the search bar. To open the application editor, click the blue and white gear icon () next to the application that you want to edit. This displays an application-specific version of the Edit Application screen:

  1. Upload or download a JSON version of your application

  2. Displays all users currently viewing the application

  3. Select a category of this application to edit

  4. Add speaker phrases (include phrases or exclude phrases) to your application

  5. Upload or download lists of phrases for your application

  6. Add filters to your application

  7. Denotes leaf-level categories

  8. Create a new category