Using the Application Daily Chart

Select a graph division in the bar chart (or a single-day point in the line graph) to break that category's scores out into lower-level category scores in the Daily Chart. This bar chart shows you the percentage of files for that day that received scores from each lower-level category within the category you selected. Tool tips on each bar show how many files received scores from that lower-level category. You will be able to compare the effectiveness of the different lower-level categories, since every lower-level category is shown even if it did not score any files that day. If a lower-level category is not a leaf category, select it in the chart to drill down further into the data. The category hierarchy that leads to the data you are displaying is shown above the Daily Chart. Select higher levels in the hierarchy to navigate back up to the top.

Selecting a lower-level category in the Daily Chart also filters the view below to only those files that match the specific date and that received scores in the selected category.