
To create or modify a company or organization, log into V‑Spark as a system or company admin, and click settings icon Settings > Accounts. Then use the breadcrumb menu to select the company and organization you want to view. The following example shows the Dashboard Menu and how to navigate it:

v-spark navigation
  1. Main menu

  2. Breadcrumb menu

  3. Submenu


Account permissions have a significant impact on the company, organization, and user information available on the Accounts screen.


  • Most user accounts have permissions limited to specific companies or organizations. The Account Settings page displays only entities that the active, currently logged-in account has view permission. Those entities may only be modified if the active account has edit permission.

  • Attributes for companies and organizations may only be edited if the active account has permission to modify them.
  • Attributes for other user accounts may only be changed if the active account has permission to modify those accounts' companies.

Also note that:

  • If the active account has only organization-level view and write permissions, that account cannot view any company information.

  • To be able to set permissions for any user in any company or organization, you must be logged in as a system administrator.


The Company and Organization sections of the settings icon Settings > Accounts screen display lists of all V‑Spark entities the current user may edit, as in the following example:

accounts screen

The Accounts screen offers the following options for managing companies and organizations:

Company operations

Organization operations


The Usage column in the Company section of the Accounts screen shows the number of hours the company has consumed and its usage limit. Click a company's usage value to display a Company Usage Details dialog with detailed information about processed audio.