Create or modify an organization

Important: Only system or company admins can modify organizations.


Click Add add icon on the Organizations section of the Accounts page to create an organization. The Create New Organization dialog displays:

create organization dialog

This dialog contains the following fields:

  • Organization Name — The full name of the organization. This field may include spaces.

  • Company Name — The name of the company of which the organization is a member.

  • Short Name — A shorter alias for the full organization name. An organization's short name defaults to company short name - organization name in the dialog box. However, you may modify the organization portion of the short name before the organization is created.

  • Retain data for # of days — Specifies how long calls will be retained in the system. For more information about data retention limits and their implications, see Data retention.

  • Time Zone — Each organization is assigned a time zone. This allows users of that organization to have customized dates and times specific to that time zone.

    Note: Choose your organization's time zone carefully! The time zone associated with an organization cannot be modified after that organization is created.


To modify an existing organization, click its edit icon Edit icon on the Accounts page. The Update Organization dialog appears with the same fields as the Create New Organization dialog; however, the company's Short Name and Time Zone fields are disabled because those values may not be modified.