ASR transcription

V‑Spark connects to both of Voci's ASR products, V‑Blaze and V‑Cloud. Multiple ASR connections may be established for a company or organization, but a folder uses only one.

Note: The models in the preceding example are shown for demonstration purposes only. Your model availability may vary.

V‑Blaze ASR

For appliance-based transcription, use these settings in the company config dialog.

  • ASR API URL — Specify URLs for the ASR engine(s) to be used by folders for transcription. Separate multiple URLs with semicolons (;).

  • Models — On the second page of the Create New Company dialog, you can select the different language models that are available when creating new folders using the Models drop-down menu:

    Important: To set up folders within the company, you must select at least one model in the Models dropdown.

V‑Cloud ASR

Create or modify a company shows an option to Use Cloud Transcription. This option is only relevant for customers using the Voci V‑Cloud transcription service. All other users should leave this box unchecked. When this option is selected the following settings must be configured:

  • Cloud Token — A V‑Cloud token or alias will be provided by your Voci representative. This token authorizes the system to submit and bill transcription jobs to your V‑Cloud account.

  • Custom Models — Leave this field blank to use the system's default models. Contact your Voci representative for information about using additional or custom language models. Learn more: Language models