Configure callbacks

V‑Spark folders use callbacks to send transcription and analysis results to a pre-configured location when processing is complete.

The following is a general workflow for configuring callbacks for V‑Spark folders:

  1. Click settings icon Settings > Folders.
  2. Use the Create New Folder or Update Folder dialog to create or modify a folder.
  3. Enable the Configure callback delivery method option on the second page of the dialog.
  4. Click Next to navigate to callback configuration options.
  5. Configure callbacks for the folder using the following fields:

    Automatically send... — Enable any of the following output types:


    A JSON version of the transcript and its associated metadata. JSON output is enabled by default.


    A post-transcription MP3 version of the transcribed audio file. This MP3 contains redacted audio if redaction is enabled for the folder.


    A plain text version of the transcript.

    Callback Delivery Method — Use the dropdown to select a delivery method, and enter its path in the text box.

    Important: Make sure that the machine and port specified in the callback URL are accessible from the V‑Spark instance that you are using. In some cases, this requires modifying client-side firewall rules.

    V‑Spark supports the following delivery methods:

    Table 1. Callback Delivery Types

    Delivery Method


    Required Parameters


    http:// and https://

    Standard hypertext transfer protocol. Callbacks are sent to a web server listening on a specified or default port. HTTPS runs over Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

    Delivery path

    https callback config

    File system

    Callback data is written to a specified location on the host system on which V‑Spark is installed.

    Important: When using the file system method, V‑Spark's user group must be set to vocisrv, and that user group must have write permissions for the specified directory path.

    Local filesystem directory path

    file system callback config


    Callbacks are sent to a server using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

    Username and password


    SSH private key

    sftp callback config

    AWS S3

    Callback data is written to the Amazon Web Service (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3).

    AWS access key ID and secret

    aws callback config

    OAuth https://

    As with standard HTTPS, callbacks are sent to a web server listening on a specified or default port, but the callback is authenticated with OAuth credentials instead of a username and password.

    Client ID, client secret, grant type, and token URL

    oauth callback config