Provisioning Agile Research
Requesting Agile Research provisioning
For customers, submit a feature activation request through the Knowledge Center.
After the provisioning request has been submitted, complete the steps in the sections below.
Data records (EDR) customers
After the provisioning request is submitted, customers are required to sign a legal letter to ensure that they meet the following legal criteria. No redlines are allowed.
Must have standard Medallia Experience Cloud terms
Must have the live Medallia Experience Cloud product description link
Must have the live subprocessor link
After the Agile Research account is provisioned, the Agile Research Account Administrator will get an email notification that the account is active.
Non-data records customers
Medallia Experience Cloud customers must be on data records to get access to Agile Research. If a customer is not on data records, Deal Desk will work with the customer to convert their existing contract.