Note table

A Note appears in the note log of a survey.

There are several ways that notes can enter the log, including:

  • A user manually enters a new note
  • A user closes an alert and adds a note at the same time
  • A user responds to the customer through email using the "Rapid Response" feature
  • The system adds a note when creating an alert

Note that the query needs to contain a WHERE clause specifying which survey ID is of interest (otherwise the query would be pulling all notes for all surveys, and this is not allowed).

It is possible to add new notes to a survey through the API. See example below for syntax.

Table description

 key     | name    | encoding |
 date    | Date    | DATE     |
 user    | User    | TEXT     |
 title   | Title   | TEXT     |
 content | Content | TEXT     |

Sample query

SELECT date, user, title, content FROM note WHERE surveyid = 37055


 date       | user      | title                 | content |
 2008-01-30 | corporate | Email Sent: Thank you |         |

Insert statement

Add a note to the survey with surveyid=42. The text specified is the content of the note. The other fields will be set to automatic values:

  • the date will automatically be set to today's date
  • the user will automatically be set to the user that authenticated with the API
  • the title will automatically be set to "Note added"
INSERT INTO note (surveyid, content) VALUES (42, 'Called customer and resolved issue')