Excluding identity transfer links

The Cordova SDK will append a one-tid URL query parameter to all links opened from a mobile app. To limit this behavior to a specific set of links, exclude the links to which the SDK should not append a one-tid, call the method shown below:

Note: The Identity transfer links exclusion method only supports exact matches and no wildcards for URLs.
const identityTransferConfig = {
	excludeList: [
            		value: new URL('https://competitor.com')
            		value: 'https://yetanothercompetitor.com'
MedalliaMXO.setIdentityTransferConfiguration(identityTransferConfig).then(() => {
	// do something after the identity transfer configuration has been set
.catch((error) => {
	// do something with the error

If a link is excluded, a one-tid URL query parameter will be appended to all other links but the excluded link, but is superseded by any included identity transfer links.

Note: Setting the excluded links list to an empty list or null clears the existing list.