Find journeys based on customers being included in or excluded from the results of another query. Requires the query ID (qid) of a previously run query, as a reference.

Usage Notes

  • Can be used together as long as referencing different queries.
  • Are combined implicitly using UNION unless INTERSECTION is specified.
UNIONJoins customer data from two queries into a single data set, without creating duplicates(union, query='1', query='2')
INTERSECTIONUses only customer data that is common to the results from two queries(intersection, query='1', query='2')


discover journeys using (qid='1') excluding(qid='2')
discover journeys using (qid='1', qid='2')
discover journeys using (union, query='1', query='2')
discover journeys using (intersection, query='1', query='2')