FROM Filters

FROM filters take the full customer path and cut it into one or more journeys based on the first interaction or action context you specify in a query.

For example, you may want to specify that MXO cuts the full customer path into individual journeys each time a customer starts interacting with your brand on the mobile channel.

You can specify one of three options as the starting context for splitting the full customer path:

  • FROM


Splits the journey on each occurrence of the starting context you specify in your query.

discover journeys from interaction(channel='mobile')

TB - from


Splits the journey only on the very first occurrence of the starting context you specify in your query.

discover journeys from first interaction(channel='mobile')
Note: Using FROM FIRST only ever returns a single journey

TB - from first


Splits the journey on every first occurrence of the starting context you specify in your query.

discover journeys from each first interaction(channel='mobile')

TB - from each firs

Journey Comparison

You can see how the resulting journeys differ, depending on the FROM filter you specify in your query.

TB - from comparison

Usage Notes

  • You can combine both Interaction and Action contexts in the same query using ":".
  • During the discovery phase, Dynamic Audiences matches adjacent Interactions using all entities. If matching, they are combined for the purpose of the decomposition to reduce the noise in paths (for example, a1, a1, a1 is considered to be a1 only). Following this, they are all considered to be a possible source, target, or both, and this combination can result in unexpected results. This means adjacent Interactions that differ on non-specified attributes may become split and generate single-Interaction journeys.