Integrating and archiving

When integrating or archiving the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK you may encounter the bellow compile time errors.

No such module 'MedalliaMXO' Xcode compile error

When integrating the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK manually into your app, you may encounter this compile error.

To resolve this, navigate to Build Settings, ensure the Framework Search Paths contains the framework filepath. If the framework is placed in your project directory, simply set the framework search path to $(SRCROOT) and set it to recursive.

Cocoapods could not find compatible versions for pod "medallia-mxo-ios-sdk" error

After the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK gets released to Cocoapods, there might be a delay of 2-4 hours or more before the medallia-mxo-ios-sdk pod actually goes live and becomes available to be installed through Cocoapods. Make sure the GitHub SDK latest version matches the Cocoapods version.

If the latest Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK version is already available in Cocoapods, but you still have issues integrating the latest medallia-mxo-ios-sdk pod into your project, try running the pod update and pod repo update command in your project's directory in Terminal.

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64 compile time error

When integrating the Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK via Cocoapods, you may encounter this compile time error.

To resolve this error, go to app target's Build Settings, add $(inherited) to Other Linker Flags, which will add the linker flags generated by the Pods to your app.

Other Linker Flag

Archive Error SPM - Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21

When try to upload/distribute an archive, you may encounter this error if Medallia Experience Orchestration SDK was integrated via SPM.

To resolve this error:

  1. Add the following Run Script to the scheme's Build > Post-actions:
    rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Frameworks/MedalliaMXO.xcframework"
  2. Make sure to select Provide build settings from the app.Unexpected mach-o header
Note: This issue has already been reported to Apple's Swift Team. To track this bug, click here.