Finding your profile

Your profile area is where you can quickly view information such as your activity in a community, your subscriptions, people that you follow, as well as managing your notification settings.

Getting to your profile

To go to your profile area, select My profile in the top left of the page.

On your profile page, on the left side of the page you will see your profile information, if you'd like to know how to edit your this information (including your profile image and username) please check out our help guide on Editing your profile.

Along the top of the profile area are different tabs that allow you to either change your settings or view activity in the community. Each tab is explained below.

Ideas Stream

The Ideas Stream shows you a real-time feed of activity from users and ideas that you are following, which includes any activity on ideas that you've posted (e.g., if a user votes or comments on your idea).

Screen capture of Your Profile Ideas Stream page

When a new event is added to the idea stream, you'll be able to view the comment, idea, or user details by clicking on the appropriate blue links on the tile.


The Activity area shows a real-time view of all of the ideas, comments and votes that you have submitted in the community. There are tabs within this area that you can select to see a stream of activity related to your Ideas, Comments and Votes.

When viewing your ideas, each Idea will appear as a tile which can be sorted by Newest, Top Voted and Most discussed by using the SORT BY drop-down menu.

For each idea in the feed, you'll be able to see how many votes and comments the idea has received. To view the comments, click the grey message icon at the bottom left of the event tile. If you want to view the full idea, click on the idea title or description.


This area of your profile shows which users you are following, and those that are following you.

Following section with Following tab selected to show two followers

To unfollow a user, click Unfollow. Similarly, if you have a follower that you aren't following, but would like to, you can click on the Follow button next to their name to add them.

For more information on following users, please have a look at our help guide.

Managing your subscriptions

In this area of your profile, you will see a list of the ideas, challenges and blog posts to which you've subscribed. The area has separate tabs for each type of activity.

After you subscribe to a challenge, you'll receive a notification when ideas are posted in the challenge or theme and the ideas will feed into your Ideas Stream.

If you subscribe to an idea, any comments or votes will show in your Ideas Stream.

You can subscribe to a challenge on the Challenge page, and an idea on the Idea page.

Challenge subscriptions

In the Challenges tab, you'll see a list of challenges you're subscribed to. If you'd like to unsubscribe from a challenge or it's themes, click the dropdown arrow and deselect the subscriptions you'd like to remove. Alternatively, just click Subscribed to unsubscribe from all options.

Subscriptions section with Challenges tab selected showing 'Profitable growth' challenge

Idea subscriptions

To unsubscribe from an idea, find it in your Idea Subscriptions tab and click the idea title or view idea link, and then the Subscribed button on the idea itself. If you know the name of the idea, you can also search for it using the magnifying glass at the top of the community.

Subscriptions section with Ideas tab selected showing three Ideas

This will take you to the idea page where you can click Unsubscribe below Idea stats on the right hand side of the idea.


The settings tab allows you to edit your personal settings: your notification settings, any social media accounts that you have linked to your Medallia Ideas account and any social media accounts that you'd like to appear in your profile.


As a member of a community, you'll receive email notifications to let you know when there has been activity relating to the community, your profile, and any ideas or comments you have posted. Crowdicity allows you to amend your notification settings and choose what you notifications you receive. For a more detailed description of how you can tailor your notifications, take a look at out Email notification settings help article.

Linked accounts
If your community allows social log-in or social sharing, this is where you can add or edit the details of a social media account that you would like to be linked with your Medallia Ideas account.
Social Media
This area allows you to add a link to a social media account to your profile. You can provide the url of your social media networks and icons will be shown in your profile; when users click on the icon they are taken to your social media page.

Profile for 'Katerine Johnson' with LinkedIn and Twitter (X) icons


The badges tab shows you any badges that you have earned in this community.

Badges are created and awarded by community administrators, they could be awarded for anything, from having a winning idea, to posting the most comments.

If you are the administrator of a community, and you would like to learn more about badges, take a look at our guide to creating badges, and how to award them to users.

Logging out of your community

If you'd like to log out of a community, use the More menu in the top right of the screen.

Log Out menu option on the 'More' menu