Points, ranking and leaderboards
You can earn points for the things that you do in your Medallia Ideas community. Exactly what those points are will depend on how the administrators have set up the community, but as an example, you could earn points for:
- Posting an idea
- Commenting on someone else's idea
- Someone giving your idea a thumbs up
- Following another user
Sometimes administrators will give you a profile badge, or a moderator may give your idea a status label, these sometimes have points associated with them as well.
Your total number of points places you on the community leaderboard; the more points you have, the better your rank will be.
Seeing your own score and rank
You find your own score and community rank in your profile:
Click on My profile on the top left of the screen.
Underneath your profile picture, you will see your rank in the community as well as the number of points you've earned.
Viewing other users' scores
If you click on a user's name anywhere in the community, you'll be able to see a summary of their profile, including the number of points they have and their community rank.
If you want to see their profile page, click View full profile.
In a user's full profile, you will be able to see the list of ideas and comments that they've posted, as well as a list of any users that they're following or any challenges or blog posts to which they're subscribed.
User interaction-rankings within the community
The Leaderboard shows the highest ranked users by score. You can see the Overall leaders for the community (Overall), or show the leaders for a selected challenge.
Access the Leaderboard by clicking View leaderboard, which can be found anywhere you see a leaderboard list, such as on the community Home page, or on the left side of challenge under Top Contributors (which only appears when points have been awarded for the challenge).