End of day handling settings

End of Day settings on the Call Target page provide control over how customer calls are handled as business hours close.

On the Call Target page, the End of Day section allows you to control the way the system handles customer calls during the end-of-day period, as the close of business hours approaches. The end-of-day period occurs just before the end of a Call Target's hours of operation, and you can control exactly when the period begins. In this section, you can offer customers the opportunity to return to the holding queue or to receive a callback on the next business day.

image of the end of day settings

Offer Next Business Day Callbacks

When selected, the Offer Next Business Day Callbacks setting adds an option to the voice menu during the end-of-day period allowing customers to schedule a callback for the next business day. The additional voice menu option will not be provided during regular hours, but only during the end-of-day period and outside of the Call Target's Hours of Operation.

Note: If Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice) and Offer Scheduled Callback Outside of Hours are enabled, then the normal scheduling experience will be offered after hours instead of Next Business Day Callbacks.

When offering next business day callbacks, you can control when callbacks will be delivered and how many callers you will allow to take this option:

  • Max Next Business Day Callbacks:This setting determines the maximum number of callbacks that can be scheduled for the next business day. Once the number of next-day callbacks exceeds this value, the Offer Next Business Day Callbacks feature will be disabled for the remainder of the day.
    • Default value: 100.
  • Next Business Day Delay: This setting allows you to set a buffer at the beginning of the next business day before callbacks registered on the prior day are launched.
    • You can increase this time buffer to allow your agents more time in the morning before callbacks from the prior day start to come in.
    • Alternatively, you can decrease this value to allow those callbacks to come in earlier, even at the moment the call center opens.
    • Default value: 60 minutes

Announce Time for Next Business Day Callbacks

When enabled, the Announce Time for Next Day Callbacks setting provides the caller with a specific time at which they can expect their callback on the next business day. When Announce Time for Next Day Callbacks is deselected, the system will use the words "morning" or "afternoon" rather than a specific time.

The graphic below shows the voice experience after registering a next-day callback with this setting deselected. If it was selected, the Morning block below would speak a specific time, instead.

diagram illustrating the voice experience for next day callbacks

Offer Return to Hold

The Offer Return to Hold option, when selected, will provide customers with an option to wait on hold for the next available agent instead of scheduling a next-day callback. For customers who have been routed into Mindful Callback during the end-of-day period who would rather wait for an agent now, this option allows them to re-enter your contact center and be placed directly into a holding queue.

When a customer chooses to hold, their call will be sent to the Holding Number configured in the Contact Center section.

Starting the End of Day Period

Two options are available for determining when to start the EOD period and alter the options presented to customers: Use ECBT to Determine End of Day and End of Day Fixed Time Margin.

  • Use ECBT to Determine End of Day and End of Day Fixed Time Margin cannot be used together. The Use ECBT to Determine End of Day setting takes precedence over End of Day Fixed Time Margin.
  • If the Use ECBT to Determine End of Day option is not selected, and the End of Day Fixed Margin setting is blank, then the end-of-day period will begin at the moment the Hours of Operation are closed.
  • Use ECBT to Determine End of Day: This option instructs Mindful to use the ECBT to determine the end-of-day period.
    • Using this setting introduces a more dynamic approach to timing your end-of-day call treatment. By using the ECBT, you will be sure to offer end-of-day treatment at the time when new callbacks could no longer be made before the end of the Call Target's hours of operation. This could be earlier on some days and later on others.
    • Example: If the current ECBT is 30 minutes and the call center closes at 5 p.m., Mindful Callback will begin to offer the next-day callback option to customers at 4:30 p.m.
  • End of Day Fixed Time Margin: This option instructs Mindful to begin the end-of-day period at a fixed time prior to the end of the Call Target's Hours of Operation.
    • Using this setting ensures that end-of-day call treatment begins at the same time each day for a more consistent customer experience.
    • Example: If End of Day Fixed Time Margin is set to 30 minutes and your call center closes at 6 p.m., Mindful Callback will start offering the next-day callback option to customers at 5:30 p.m.

Preventing Callbacks Outside of Business Hours

End of Day Handling settings allow you to offer next-day callbacks before the end of business hours to prevent callbacks from being dialed after the Hours of Operation are closed.

If the Offer Next Business Day Callbacks setting is disabled, be aware that callbacks could be registered up to the last moment of the Hours of Operation, which could cause callbacks to be dialed after the end of the business day.

Note: Mindful Callback will always make the first attempt of a callback outside of the Hours of Operation if needed. If you do not enable End of Day Handling features and you wish to prevent callbacks from being dialed after business hours, then you will need to set the Call Target > Callback Processing setting to Off at the end of the day and turn it back On when you are ready to take callbacks again. Note that you can automate this process using Smart Rules, as well.