Registration settings

Registration settings in Mindful allow customization of the inbound experience for customers.

All settings

The Registration section allows you to customize the inbound experience for customers interacting with Mindful. Here, you can determine what options to offer customers who reach this Call Target, how and when to announce the Estimated Callback Time (ECBT), and a few options that help to serve international customers.

Refer to this article for information on any of the settings in the Registration section.

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab > Registration

image of call target registration settings

Below is a list of quick definitions for each setting in the Registration Settings section. Below that, you'll find more detailed information about some of the most impactful settings.

  • Offer ASAP Callback: Offer callbacks as soon as possible.
  • Offer Choose Hold: Offer callers the option to return on hold.
  • Offer Message Intercept: When selected, customers will hear an option to receive an informational SMS message rather than requesting a callback.
  • Offer Scheduled Callback (Voice or Widget/API): Offer the ability to schedule callbacks for a specific time either via voice or Widget/API.
  • Announce ECBT during Offer: Announce the ECBT to customers before they've accepted an offer of a callback.
  • Announce ECBT during Confirmation: Announce the ECBT after an offer has been accepted.
  • ECBT Playback Type: Select one of the available options--Range or Exact.
  • Minimum ECBT: Enter the minimum callback time the caller can expect, in seconds. This value is used when announcing the expected callback time in the form of a single minimum estimated time.
  • Maximum ECBT: Enter the maximum callback time the caller can expect, in seconds. This value is used when announcing the expected callback time in the form of a single maximum estimated time.
  • Announce ANI: Select this if you would like to present customers with the option to use their automatically detected phone number as their callback number.
    • When selected, the system will read the ANI to customers and present the option to use the ANI or enter a different number manually.
  • Spoken ANI Prefix: This setting allows you to specify a string of numbers to be spoken at the beginning of a customer's ANI when confirming their callback request. This is only available when international dialing options are enabled.
  • Minimum/Maximum Callback Number Length: The two settings allow you to set the number of digits required or allowed in a dial string.
  • Require Country Code: When selected, all callback numbers require the inclusion of a country code. Configured country codes no longer take effect. This only applies when international dialing is enabled.
  • Allow Extension or Phone Number: This setting adds the ability for callers to enter an extension for their callback number. Note: This is only available in the Mindful IVR, not for Widget interactions.
  • Register Early Hangups: When selected, Mindful will register a callback even if a customer disconnects before the end of registration process. For example, this would apply if a customer requests a callback and fails to provide additional requested data, such as a name or account number, before hanging up.
  • Offer Scheduled Callback: Select one or both of the available checkboxes--(Voice) or (Widget/API)--to offer callback scheduling for a specific date and time via voice, Scheduler Widget, or the Mindful API.
  • Enable Callback Double Check: Select the checkbox to enable Callback Double Check (CBDC). When customers request callbacks with CBDC enabled, Mindful will check to see if a callback has already been registered for the requested callback number. If a callback is already pending, Mindful will inform the caller of the pending callback, announce the ECBT, then disconnect the call.
    • Callback Double Check Scope: Select Call Target to check for duplicate requests on only this Call Target, or select Organization to check all Call Targets.

Announce ANI

In Mindful Callback, the Announce ANI setting presents customers with the option to use their ANI as the return callback number.

After pressing 1 to request a callback, customers will hear "...I see that you are calling from <ANI>. To be called back at this number, press 1. To enter a different number, press 2."

If they press 1, their callback will be registered using the detected ANI. If they press 2, they will be prompted to enter a different phone number and will have an opportunity to confirm that number before their callback is registered.

diagram illustrating the announce ani setting

Announce ECBT During Offer or Confirmation

Announce ECBT During Confirmation is used to announce the ECBT to customers after they have requested a callback. The ECBT represents the approximate amount of time from the current moment that a customer can expect to wait before receiving a callback. When enabled, the system will quote the ECBT to customers immediately after they have confirmed their callback number, to let them know how long they can expect to wait before receiving their callback.

When Announce ECBT During Confirmation is enabled, customers will hear an estimated time quoted with a 20% buffer above and below the actual calculated time. There is also a three-minute buffer before and after the ECBT for punctuality purposes.


In this example, a customer calls in when the ECBT is currently 10 minutes.
  • 10 minutes + 20% (2 minutes) + 3 minute buffer = 15 minutes
  • 10 minutes - 20% (2 minutes) - 3 minute buffer = 5 minutes
In this case, the customer will hear "You can expect a callback between 8 and 12 minutes from now" (the ECBT +/- 20%). However, the system considers a callback occurring within 5-15 minutes (the ECBT +/- 20% and +/- 3 mins.) to be punctual. BEST PRACTICEAnnounce ECBT During Confirmation works best when there is predictable call volume in the contact center. Announcing the ECBT after registration sets a firm expectation for customers, and it is important that the expectation can be met.

Announce ECBT During Confirmation vs. Announce ECBT During Offer

diagram illustrating the two E.C.B.T. announcement options

If your Call Targets are configured to offer callbacks, rather than making the offer in your IVR, then you also have the option to announce the ECBT before callback registration. The Announce ECBT During Offer setting announces the ECBT in the inbound menu to help customers make their decision.

Require Country Code

When the Require Country Code checkbox is selected, Mindful will require customers to enter their country code along with their complete phone number.

International dialing options (Country Codes, Spoken ANI Prefix, Require Country Code, and Minimum/Maximum Callback Number Length) will only be visible to clients who are authorized for non-US dialing. Contact a Mindful representative for help with international dialing.

By default, Require Country Code is deselected and Mindful will use a customer's ANI to determine the appropriate country code to dial. See the Additional considerations section later in this article for more details.

When Require Country Code is selected, anything that has been configured in the Country Codes or Spoken ANI Prefix fields will no longer apply. When these two settings are being overridden by Require Country Code, warning messages will appear beneath the input field for each setting, as shown in the following image.


When Require Country Code is selected, anything that has been configured in the Country Codes or Spoken ANI Prefix fields will no longer apply. When these two settings are being overridden by Require Country Code, warning messages will appear beneath the input field for each setting, as shown in the following image.

example of country code configuration

Additional Considerations

Voice Prompts

The default audio file used to prompt customers to enter their callback phone number does not explicitly instruct customers to enter their country code. Similarly, the voice prompt that indicates that a callback number is not valid does not remind customers to enter their country code.

If you enable the Require Country Code setting, we recommend replacing the default audio files so that your customers are informed that they will need to enter their country code along with their callback number. The following audio files should be reviewed or replaced:

  • Register Callback Phone Number: This prompt states "Please enter the number you'd like us to call you back on, followed by the pound key" by default. We recommend updating the verbiage to specifically instruct customers to enter their country code.
  • Phone Number Length: This prompt states "The phone number you entered was invalid" by default. We recommend reiterating the country code requirement in this prompt.

For more information about replacing audio files, see How to manage audio files.

ANI Announcement

If the Announce ANI setting and Require Country Code are both enabled, then the system will speak the country code to customers along with the detected ANI. If the Announce ANI setting is enabled but Require Country Code is disabled, then the system will not include the country code when speaking the ANI.

Automatic Country Code Detection

If the Require Country Code setting is not enabled, Mindful will attempt to obtain the appropriate country code from several sources, in order:

  1. First, the system will look to the Country Codes field to see if you have entered a list of specific country codes to use. It will look for a country code from the Country Codes field that matches the detected ANI.
  2. If the Country Codes field is empty, the system will compare the ANI to a default list of country codes to find a match.
  3. If no country code can be found by any of the previous methods, the system will use the North American country code (+1).

Allow Extension or Phone Number

The Allow Extension or Phone Number setting adds the ability for callers to enter an extension for their callback number. Callers can still enter a 10-digit phone number. Any data entry less than 10 digits is considered an extension since 10 digits is the default minimum and maximum for a callback number unless international dialing is in use.

This option is designed for callers coming from within your organization who share the same phone number but with different extensions. Examples include field technicians, independent agents, or salespeople who need to reach a central contact in your organization, such as a help desk. This option should only be enabled when you need to offer the extension functionality.

After selecting the Allow Extension or Phone Number checkbox, you will see the Number for Extension Only Callbacks setting in the Callback Strategy section. In this field, enter a phone number to be dialed prior to the extension. The system will use this number to launch the callback and will dial the extension once the call is connected.

diagram illustrating extension dialing

Announce ECBT During Offer

The Announce ECBT During Offer setting presents ECBT to callers before asking if they would like to register for an ASAP callback or speak to the next available representative.

Quick Access: Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab > Registration Settings

When enabled, the ECBT is announced in the Inbound Menu phase of the customer experience, before they have made their selection. This differs from the Announce ECBT setting, which applies after a callback has been successfully registered.

diagram illustrating the two E.C.B.T. announcement options

Announcing the ECBT prior to presenting the callback offer can increase the percentage of customers who opt for a callback. When customers can be assured of an expected callback time, they are more likely to opt for a callback. The increase in the acceptance rate can help to reduce the traffic in holding queues and save time for customers.

Note: Announce ECBT During Offer is only available if Callback Offer has been enabled by a Mindful representative.

We recommend enabling either Announce ECBT During Offer or Announce ECBT (which quotes the ECBT after registration), but not both. The best practice is to use Announce ECBT During Offer to provide information that helps customers make their decision.

Minimum/Maximum Callback Number Length

These two settings, Minimum Callback Number Length and Maximum Callback Number Length, allow you to set the number of digits required or allowed in a dial string. This can be useful when your customers request callbacks in different countries around the world with different phone number lengths. For example, some countries may have a minimum length of 7 digits and a maximum length of 12.

  • Minimum/Maximum Callback Number Length applies to both system-detected ANIs and numbers entered by callers manually.
  • International dialing options (Country Codes, Spoken ANI Prefix, Require Country Code, and Minimum/Maximum Callback Number Length) will only be visible to customers who are authorized for non-US dialing. Contact a Mindful representative for help with international dialing.

Quick access: Callback > Call Targets > Your Call Target > General tab > Dial Settings

These settings can also be used to make sure that callback numbers contain a specific number of digits, such as 10 digits for callers from the U.S.A. If you wished to only accept 10-digit callback numbers, you could set both the Minimum Callback Number Length and Maximum Callback Number Length to a value of 10. Alternatively, if you wished to accept either 7-digit or 10-digit numbers, you could set the minimum to 7 and the maximum to 10.