Demographic data and user opt-out

Use these methods to pass demographic data and opt-in and out users from the Sense360 iOS SDK.

Demographic data and user opt-out

To pass demographic data to Sense360 SDK, use this code snippet:

let data = DemographicData(gender: "m", age: 22, maritalStatus: "single", income: 50000, ethnicity: "white", birthYear: 1994) Sense360.passDemographicData(data)

User opt-in and opt-out

The User opt-in and User opt-out calls are optional and, if used, you should implement both.

The Sense360.start method is enough to enable the SDK. If the application calls User opt-out, it must call User opt-in to re-enable the SDK. Note that if the calls to Opt-In and Opt-Out are used, they replace the call to Sense360.start since there is no need to call both.

Opt a user out of tracking at anytime by calling this method which disables the Sense360 SDK for this particular user until the user is opted back in.


To check a user's opt-in/out status, call this method:


To opt a user back in for tracking, call this method:
