Test surveys

These steps verify the survey is working as expected and your application is communicating with the Sense360 back-end correctly.


  1. Insert a test survey.
    Restriction: You can insert up to 10 surveys per application per day.
  2. Add this call to Sense360Testing.triggerSurveyNotification() after starting the SDK:

    Note that testing throws an exception if the ThirdPartyUserId is not set.

    func testSurveys() { Sense360.start(sendNotifications: true) try? Sense360.passThirdPartyUserId("1234") try? Sense360Testing.triggerSurveyNotification() }
  3. Build and run the application.
  4. Put your application to the background.
  5. Wait one minute to receive a notification.
    Contact Medallia Support if you receive this notification as your user has not been set up properly:
    No survey notification setup for user. Please contact Sense360.
  6. Remove testing code.
    Make sure to remove the call to Sense360Testing.triggerSurveyNotification to stop getting notifications.
You have tested your survey and verified your data.