
Use /list to retrieve summary V‑Spark system configuration and entity names. /list supports GET requests only. For detailed configuration output, use /config.



/list/$co_short/orgs?token=$token || /list/$co_short?token=$token

/list/$co_short/$org_short/folders?token=$token || /list/$co_short/$org_short?token=$token

Company short name used to filter the request.


Organization short name used to filter the request.


Authorization token with the required read or write permissions for the request.


Name of the application to be queried.

Path to the request's JSON file.



Returns all companies.


Returns all users.


Returns all organizations.


Returns all folders.


Returns all applications.

Example cURL request

The following example request retrieves a list of all organizations.

curl -s 'http://www.example.com:3000/list/orgs?token=$token'

Example JSON output

"DocTestCo": [
"DocTestCo": [
"DocTestCo": {
    "DocTestCo-DocTesting": [
"DocTestCo": {
    "DocTestCo-DocTesting": [
        "Testing CallbackTest",
        "Manager App",
        "Admin App"
    "Testing CallbackTest",
    "Manager App",
    "Admin App"

Python example

Use api_get_config.py to test /list as in this example request for a list of all organizations:

python api_get_config.py $host $token /list/orgs/ $http_code $output_file
Hostname or URL for the system running V‑Spark.

Authorization token with the required read or write permissions for the request.

The HTTP code expected to be returned with the response.
File path for query output.