GET status of all system folders

Use to retrieve status information for all system folders with a combination of /config and /status requests. This

Figure 1.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 Voci Technologies  All rights reserved.
# Unsupported example code - Not for production use.
# Reads company, org, and folder data from a specified host,
# uses it to call the /status endpoint for each folder,
# and saves output as JSON or CSV as specified. 

import requests
import json

def usage(argv):
    print "Usage:", argv[0], "<sparkhost:port> <root token> <csv || json>"

def main(argv): 
    if len(argv) != 4: usage(argv) 
    host, token, output_format = argv[1:]
    tokens = gettokens(host,token)
    folderinfo = getfolderinfo(host,token)
    getfolders(host, folderinfo, tokens, output_format)

def gettokens(host, token): 
    url = "http://%s/config?token=%s" % (host,token)
    cfg = requests.get(url).json()
    return dict([(comp,d['uuid']) for comp,d in cfg.iteritems()])

def getfolderinfo(host, token): 
    url = "http://%s/config/folders?token=%s" % (host,token)
    return requests.get(url).json()

def findfolders(host, folder_info, tokens, output_format): 
    for comp, comp_data in folder_info.iteritems():
        print comp+" (Token: "+tokens[comp]+")"
        for org, org_data in comp_data.iteritems():
            for folder, folder_data in org_data.iteritems():
                writefolderstatus(host, tokens[comp], comp, org, folder, output_format)

def writefolderstatus(host, token, comp, org, folder, output_format):  
    url = "http://%s/status/%s/%s/%s?token=%s&format=%s" % (host, comp, org, folder, token, output_format)
    print "  URL is "+url
    OUTPUT_FILE = comp+"-"+org+"-"+folder+"-status."+output_format
    print "    Writing JSON to "+OUTPUT_FILE
    target = open(OUTPUT_FILE, 'w')
    if output_format == "json":
        target.write(json.dumps(requests.get(url).json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    if output_format == "csv":
        response = requests.get(url)

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    from sys import argv
    main(argv) uses the root API token to retrieve the processing status for all system folders.

Use this script with the following command and arguments:

python $host:$port $root_token $format
Hostname or URL for the system running V‑Spark.
Port configured for the host system. Default 3000.
V‑Spark's root authorization token. Only available to system administrators.
Specify json or csv to be used for the output file generated by the script. saves output to a file named with this format: $co_short-$org_short-$folder-status.$format


Company short name used to filter the request.


Organization short name used to filter the request.

Folder used to filter the request.
The output format specified with the initial command-line argument.