Create or modify a company

Important: Only system admins can modify companies.


Click add icon Add on the Companies section of the Accounts screen. The Create New Company dialog displays:

create company dialog

This first dialog page displays the following fields:

  • Company Name — The name of the company.

  • Short Name — Short name reference of the full company name. Used for the API because full company names may be lengthy and may include spaces. Spaces are not valid in the company short name. The company short name cannot be edited after the company has been created.

  • Limit Hours — Limit the number of audio hours that the company can process through V‑Spark. Once that limit has been reached, the company can no longer process new audio, but can still use V‑Spark to examine existing calls.

  • Data retention limit (days) — Limits the maximum data retention days for organizations within this company. For more information about data retention limits and their implications, see Data retention.

  • Enable SSO via OpenID — If checked, shows a third dialog screen with additional options for the configuration of single sign-on (SSO) authentication for users associated with this company. For more information on configuring and using SSO, refer to SSO-Enabled Companies.

  • ASR transcription type — Choose between appliance-based or cloud transcription. ASR type availability varies by license.

The Create New Company dialog has multiple screens. The company's transcription service must be specified and authenticated before language models and application templates can be configured.

Once the initial company configuration is set, a second dialog displays:

create company dialog second page

The second dialog displays the following fields:

  • Models — Select the language models to be used for transcribing audio. The models listed will vary depending on the company's ASR transcription service licensing and configuration.

  • Application Templates — Choose the application templates that will be available to company folders. See Administration.

Once you are satisfied with the company's information, press the Create button. The company is created, and can be viewed in the Company section of the Account Settings page. Organizations and users can then be associated with the company.


To modify an existing company, click its edit icon Edit icon on the Accounts page. The Update Company dialog appears with the same fields as the Create New Company dialog; however, the company's Short Name field is disabled because that value may not be modified.