API upload

Audio files can also be uploaded using a POST request made to V‑Spark 's /transcribe API with the audio data to be decoded.

Note: By default, the maximum size of a file submitted using the /transcribe API is 250 MB. The maximum upload size can be changed using the transcribe_api_upload_limit system configuration option, but its value (specified in bytes) may not exceed 10 GB.

The POST must be encoded as a multi-part/form-data request with an audio file and token in their respective fields.

The following example POSTs to the V‑Spark host example.company.com:

curl –F token=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff \
     -F "file=@path/to/sampleaudio.zip;type= application/zip" \
     -X POST http://example.company.com:3000/transcribe/org_shortname/samplefolder

Users who have Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) configured can also import zipped input directly from S3 via the V‑Spark API, as in this example:

curl -F token=0123456789abcde0123456789abcde01 \
     -F aws_id=012345678901234567890 \
     -F aws_secret=01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 \
     -F s3key=s3://example.company.com/documentation-TEST.zip \
     -F region=us-east-1 \
     -X POST http://example.company.com:3000/transcribe/Test-Testing/Test01

Multi-file uploads

When using the /transcribe API, single audio files and JSON transcripts can be submitted individually. Files submitted individually will not be associated with each other.

Multiple files can be submitted in a single POST request, but they must be in a zip. These zip files can contain both audio data and metadata. Audio files and metadata files submitted as parts of a zip file will remain associated with each other as parts of a single submission.