Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Integrating Digital Experience Analytics with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) allows for Digital Experience Analytics session IDs and behaviors to be pulled into GA4 to allow for a richer dataset for filtering, segmentation, and real-time reporting.

Important: To use GA4, you need to have Digital Experience Analytics Real-time configured for your account. See your Digital Experience Analytics expert for additional details.

To integrate Digital Experience Analytics with GA4, complete the following steps:

  1. On the navigation bar, select Connect. Then select Configure Data Connectors.

    Configure Data Connectors.

  2. Select the Analytics tab. Then select GA4 in the available menu.

    Analytics tab.

  3. Select the GA4 Integration Enabled checkbox, which is the only required selection. The following options will appear:
    • Send Session ID to Google Analytics

    • In-sample Sessions Only

    • Use Cookie for Tracking

    • Send Behaviors

      Make your additional selections and click Save.

      GA4 options.

The following image is an example of Digital Experience Analytics integrated with GA4:

GA4 integration.