App Rating engagements

The Digital In-app intercept and targeting mechanisms can also be used to engage users to leave a store rating and review. Use this feature to consolidate your feedback surveys and app rating prompts into one targeting strategy.

App rating prompts are available for iOS and Android, and collect the review directly in the appropriate app store for the platform. When the Digital Mobile SDK is already integrated into an app this feature can be enabled without code changes in the app, and is configured from the Digital Command Center in a similar way to survey forms.

The following types of app rating engagement are available:

  • Using a direct engagement that appears as part of the app. This is the preferred and default method of app rating engagement. When the rating process is integrated into the app and relies on OS native display, this more direct engagement encourages users to leave feedback more often than the indirect method.

    Example of Android direct app ratings

    Example of app rating prompt on Android

    Example of iOS direct app ratings

    Example of app rating prompt on iOS.
  • Using an indirect engagement, a legacy engagement which relies on an intercept in a similar way to an invite triggered survey. Redirects the user to the appropriate store in a separate browser. The result is less integrated into the app.

    App rating prompts.

By default, Digital properties use direct engagements. Only one method of engagement can be active. To change the method of app rating engagement contact your Digital expert.

Regardless of the type, app rating prompts use Digital's targeting rules to seamlessly prompt the user to provide a rating while ensuring session, quarantine, and all other unique SDK traits are preserved.

To retrieve app rating data from your Medallia instance, contact your Medallia expert. .

General Guidelines

When implementing app rating prompts, observe the following guidelines:

  • Target the relevant user segment with the ability to take into account previous feedback submitted including NPS, CSAT, or OSAT scores
  • Key SDK behavior such as targeting, session logic, and quarantine remains intact for both methods
  • Suppress Targeting (Disable/Enable Intercept APIs): Calling these APIs also disables or enables intercept of app rating prompts in addition to survey invitations
  • Listeners (Android) / Delegates (iOS) - The intercept listener and delegate APIs of the SDK support app rating prompts in addition to survey related events

iOS Direct App Rating

This feature relies on SKStoreReviewController. For more information see Apple direct method.

Direct app ratings automatically link to the appropriate app store, there is no need to manually configure the location unlike indirect app ratings.

Configure App rating prompts using Digital Command Center. See Configuring Direct App Rating Prompts. Once applied, targeted users are seamlessly intercepted with the Apple Store Review prompt.

Note: The actual Apple API is handled directly by the SDK and does not require any integration efforts.
  • Global API limitations apply to the SDK, for example iOS versions below 10.3 are not supported for this capability
  • Quarantine logic is based on API trigger
  • A static native alert is displayed if this method is enabled and you are using an unsupported SDK version (below iOS-v3.6.0)

Android Direct App Rating

This feature is available from Digital SDK v4.0.0 and relies on ReviewManager. For more information see Google direct method.

Direct app ratings automatically link to the appropriate app store, there is no need to manually configure the location unlike indirect app ratings.

Configure App rating prompts using Digital Command Center. See Configuring Direct App Rating Prompts. Once applied, targeted users are seamlessly intercepted with the Google Play Review prompt.

Note: The actual Google API is handled directly by the SDK and does not require any integration efforts.
  • Global API limitations apply to the SDK, for example Android versions below API 21 are not supported for this capability
  • Quarantine logic is based on API trigger
  • A static native alert is displayed if this method is enabled and you are using an unsupported SDK version (below Android-v4.0.0)

Manage app ratings

Regardless of the type of app rating, you manage app ratings in a similar way to survey forms. Use the menu on the left side of the screen to navigate to app ratings.

Layer 1 1
  1. New App Rating: Click this button to create a new app rating.

The middle of the window shows the app ratings for your property. The process of editing, locking, and publishing app ratings is similar to working with surveys.

Layer 1 1 2 4 3 5
  1. Publish / Unpublish: Toggle to publish or unpublish the app rating. This toggle is the same as the Publish or Unpublish toggle for forms.

  2. Edit: Click this icon to relaunch the App Rating setup wizard.

  3. Lock / Unlock: Click this icon to lock or unlock the app rating. This function works the same as the Lock or Unlock function in forms.

  4. Delete: Click to delete app rating. Deleting an app rating is an irreversible action.

  5. App Rating ID: Unique App Rating ID. This ID naming convention is the same as the ID naming convention for forms.

Configuring Direct App Rating Prompts

Configure app rating prompts from the App Rating menu option in the Digital Command Center.

To set up a direct app rating prompt:

  1. Add a new app rating, or edit an existing app rating. See Manage app ratings.

  2. Configure targeting of the prompt to rate your app, which is similar to the process for setting up targeting in survey form invitations.

Settings available for direct app ratings:

Layer 1 1 2 3 4
  1. User has provided Trigger an app rating engagement depending on recent responses to feedback engagements. App ratings can be triggered depending on the feedback responses over a time period. When using these user dependent triggers, note that these values are kept as long as the app is not erased, the most recent value is utilized.

    • Feedback Submit triggers the App rating engagement if the user has provided feedback in the last n number of days, hours, minutes. For example, if the time period drop down is configured to 4 days, the app rating engagement is presented if feedback has been submitted in last 4 days.

      Set trigger if feedback submitted in last 4 days.
    • NPS Rating triggers the App rating engagement if the user has given an NPS score of the defined condition in the last n number of days, hours, minutes. Only NPS survey fields are considered for this NPS rating.

    • CSAT Rating triggers the App rating engagement if the user has given an CSAT score of the defined condition in the last n number of days, hours, minutes. Only CSAT survey fields are considered for this CSAT rating.

  2. By Custom Rule Target with a rule using a custom parameter.

  3. Targeting options The app rating targeting options provide the same possibilities as surveys. See Targeting.

  4. Don’t invite a visitor if the system-provided prompt was triggered for in the past configures a quarantine for direct app rating engagements. When enabled, if the operating system has prompted for an app rating in the last n days the Digital app rating is not triggered. This avoids over surveying users.

Once a direct app rating prompt is configured, targeted app users are invited to rate the app in iOS App Store or Android Google Play by an OS native prompt.

Unique targeting priorities apply to app ratings:
  • Form invitations are evaluated first and prioritized over app ratings. If the targeting configuration means that both a survey and an app rating are eligible to be shown in the same session, the survey takes priority and is shown to the user.

  • Only one invite can be shown per session, and this includes both survey invites and app rating invites.

Indirect app rating engagements

If your property is using indirect app rating engagements then you need to configure the invitation to rate your app. This process is similar to creating an invite triggered survey.

In addition, you have to configure the location of your app on the appropriate store. For example, in a browser navigate to the app's page on the app store and check the URL. The app's ID is listed in the URL and you need this ID during the configuration process.

Configuring Indirect App Rating Prompts

Configure app rating prompts from the App Rating menu option in the Digital Command Center.

To set up an indirect app rating prompt:
  1. Add a new app rating, or edit an existing app rating. See Manage app ratings.

  2. Set prompts, which is similar to the process for setting up form invitations.

  3. Set targeting, which is similar to the process for setting up targeting in form invitations.

  4. Provide App ID to redirect the prompt to the store page.

Use the wizard to configure indirect app rating prompts. Settings available for the prompt:

Set prompt for app rating.
App rating name (3)
Enter the name of the app rating directly from the wizard. The name can only be edited in this location.
Wizard progress (4)
This indicates what step you are currently on in the App Rating wizard.
Prompt Type (5)
Use this dropdown to swap between intercept types. New app ratings default to Banner. On-device appearance is identical to existing feedback invitations.
Prompt design (6)
Customize the app rating using these options, which are the same options available for feedback invitations.

Set targeting for indirect app rating.

Set targeting for app rating.
Score Targeting (7)
Non-filtered way to target end users on submitted scores in future SDK sessions. App ratings can be targeted by CSAT/NPS score in the last minutes/hours/days.
  • 7.1 — CSAT/NPS scores of previously submitted feedback will be used.

  • 7.2 — These are kept as long as app is not erased, the most recent value will be utilized.

  • 7.3 — Contact your Medallia expert to determine if CSAT or NPS matches your program and how to configure it properly

By Custom Rule (8)
Target with a rule using a custom parameter.
Generic Rules (9)
All existing generic SDK rules are available for targeting app ratings.
Quarantine (10)
Unique quarantine rules apply to indirect app ratings:
  • Form Invitations are evaluated first and prioritized over app ratings.

  • Because the "Feedback Submit" quarantine logic applies only to forms, app rating prompt "accepted" intercept logic is utilized to assess positive user sentiment of app ratings.

Set destination

Set app rating destination.
App ID (11)
Enter the App ID of your app per platform (Android/iOS). This determines which app page in the store the end user is redirected to in order to leave their app rating and review.
Help (12)
Click to view help.
Save (13)
Click to apply customized settings to your property.

Once an indirect app rating prompt is configured, targeted app users are prompted to rate the app in iOS App Store or Android Google Play by the chosen type of intercept.