
The Packages screen, which replaces the Hybrid Hosting package creation interface, allows you to create, track, and download the Medallia Digital package. Once the Medallia Digital package has been uploaded to your production website, use this screen to confirm package deployment and configure the Digital Command Center to use available resources.

To access the Packages screen, select Configuration > Packages from the menu in the left-hand panel in Digital.

Packages screen.

The Packages list contains information about the Digital package that may be helpful if troubleshooting is necessary.

Package name, which is structured as <Digital Version>_<Creation Time>.
CC Version
The Digital Command Center version that generated the package.
Date Created
Date the package was created.
Date Confirmed
Date when the Digital administrator confirmed that the package has been deployed to the on-premise servers.

See the following topics for information about the Packages screen:

Creating a package

To create a new Digital package, click Create Package the top right corner of the screen.

Create Package.

As the package creation process begins, the Create Package button is replaced with a spinner. You can continue working in the Digital Command Center as normal during this process.

A notification appears once the package has been created. The newly created package appears at the top of the packages list and is available to download.

Note: Only a single user can generate a Medallia Digital package per property at a time. If a second user attempts to create a Digital package while the package creation has already been initiated by the original user, the second user receives an error message.

Downloading a package

To download the Digital package, hover over the appropriate row on the Packages screen and click Download.

Download Package.

  • As it is crucial that the deployed package matches the active version of the Digital Command Center it is possible to download only the latest Digital Package.
  • If a backend change occurs after creation of the latest available package, no package will be available to download. You need to create a new package for download.

  • Because the deployed package must match the active version of the Digital Command Center, it is possibly to download only the latest Digital package

Confirming package deployment

In Dynamic Hybrid Hosting, package deployment is required to add support to new features or resources that are reflected in the survey (e.g., new images added to the Resources Library). To ensure that these resources are available to use dynamically, the Digital administrator is required to confirm that the Digital package has been deployed to the on-premise servers. Once deployment has been confirmed, new functionality or resources can be used in the Digital Command Center.

Note: If the Digital Command Center is in Freeze Mode, then new functionality or resources are disabled.

To confirm package deployment, click Confirm Deployment.

Confirm Deployment.

Click Confirm Deployment in the confirmation message that opens.

Confirm package deployment message.