Deploying Medallia for Adobe Launch

Use Medallia for Adobe Launch to deploy Medallia for Digital web properties. This allows you to detect survey events, capture customer feedback in real time using data elements, personalize customer experiences, and share data with Adobe Analytics.

  1. Install the Medallia for Adobe Launch extension
    1. In the Adobe Launch console, select the Extensions tab.
    2. In the Catalog, find the extension named Medallia for Adobe Launch and click Install.

      Adobe Launch console.

    After installation, the following elements are available in Medallia for Adobe Launch:
    • Actions
      • Load Medallia Digital

      • Test

    • Events
      • Button Clicked

      • Capture Button Cancel

      • Capture Button Clicked

      • Capture Button Taken

      • Form Back Page

      • Form Displayed

      • Form Next Page

      • Invite Accepted

      • Invite Declined

      • Invite Displayed

      • Invite Skipped

      • ShowForm Called

      • Survey Abandoned

      • Survey Completed

      • Thank You Closed

      • Thank You Displayed

    • Data Elements
      • Event Name

      • Feedback UUID

      • Form Id

      • Form Type

      • Scale questions

  2. Deploy Medallia Digital code on web property
    1. Create a rule
      1. In the Launch console, select the Rules tab.

      2. Click Create New Rule.

      3. Name the rule accordingly (the rule is named "Deploy Medallia Digital" in the following image).

        Creating a new rule.

    2. Create an event
      In the Events section, click Add and configure the event based on your needs. DOM Ready is recommended for the Event Type.
      Event configuration.
    3. Create an action
      In the Actions section, click Add. Select Medallia for Adobe Launch as the Extension and Load Medallia Digital as the Action Type.
    4. Locate the embed URL
      In the Embed Code section, follow the instructions on the screen to locate and paste the embed URL.
      Action configuration.
    5. Save and publish the rule
      Digital is deployed on your web property when a page loads.
  3. Detect Medallia Digital events and capture data in real time
    The Medallia for Adobe Launch extension triggers rules on Digital events. Additionally, it includes pre-built data element types to make form metadata or customer feedback available to run logic and personalize the user experience in real time or impact future visits.

    Web property event configuration.

    1. Define rules
      1. Select the Rules tab.
      2. Click Create New Rule and name the new rule accordingly.

      3. Create a new event and select Medallia for Adobe Launch as the Event Type.

      4. Create a new action and select a trigger from the Action Type dropdown.

    2. Define data elements and conditions
      Select the Data Elements tab to define conditions (if relevant) and indicate what actions should be run. Some examples of actions include setting cookies, changing the next page seen, or sending data to another system such as Adobe Analytics.
    3. Create new data elements
      Create new data elements based on the pre-built data element types to capture event data in real time.
      Data elements.
  4. Push data to Adobe Analytics
    After you detect and collect data and install the Adobe Analytics extension in your instance, you can send data to Adobe Analytics.
    Note: On the installation screen, select your reporting suites for Development, Staging, and Production.
    Sending data requires that you first set the variables by sending a beacon. You can also set non-Medallia fields when setting the variables to limit the number of calls made to Adobe.
    1. Set variables
      To set variables, send UUID to enable backend integration. When you set a variable, a beacon is not sent. Complete the next step to send a beacon.
      Action configuration.
    2. Send beacons
      Set the Action Type to Send Beacon.
      Setting the Action Type to Send Beacon.
    3. Set variables
      Set variables to send scores from Launch directly.
      1. Create a second eVar in Adobe Analytics to receive concatenated values.eVar.

      2. In Adobe Launch, set the eVar value with the following pattern to maintain a set of classification rules later. %uuid% and %osat% are the data elements created and tracked in Launch because of the Medallia extension.Setting the eVar value.

      3. Create a set of parsing rules in Adobe Analytics to classify each answer accordingly.Classification Rule Builder.

With the Digital extension installed on your web properties, you can detect survey events, capture customer feedback in real time using data elements, configure triggers based on specific events, and share data with Adobe Analytics.