Medallia GovCloud for Digital

Medallia for Digital products and features authorized to run on Medallia GovCloud

Many Medallia for Digital products and features are certified to run on Medallia GovCloud, a FedRAMP High authorized platform.

Status indicatorMeaning
CheckmarkIconFeature or product is available to run on Medallia GovCloud.
CheckboxEmptyIconRequires client approval to set up or activate the feature under agency specific Authority to Operate (ATO).
CancelXIconFeature or product is not available

This list was last updated on 30 June 2023.

Digital Web

Note: Legacy capability are NOT available on Medallia GovCloud with V2 integrations.
CDN for Agency Moderate ATO
  • Akamai — Only available for Customers seeking Moderate ATO within MGC Authorization Boundary (Rationale - Akamai CDN is only FedRAMP Moderate authorized) and cannot be offered at FedRAMP High Level.
CDN for Agency High ATO
  • Clients need to provide their own ATO or custom solution that needs to be discussed.
DashboardsCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
InboxCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
ReportsCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
ModulesCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
SurveysCheckmarkIconAll survey elements are available in GovCloud.
TargetingCheckmarkIconAll targeting types are available in GovCloud.
Translations (localization)CheckmarkIcon
Screen captureCancelXIconScreen capture is not available in GovCloud.
UsersCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
CSS customizationCheckmarkIcon
Reusable fieldsCheckmarkIcon
Real-time alerts for feedbackCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
Advanced configurationCheckmarkIcon
Embedding Digital code on a websiteCheckmarkIcon
Property level access controlCheckmarkIcon
Dynamic hybrid hostingCancelXIcon
IntegrationsCheckboxEmptyIconIntegrations are customer-owned and approved when solution is:
  • Customer-owned.

  • Integrated using available approved mechanisms.

  • Covered specifically under Customer ATO.

Contact your Medallia representative to evaluate the specific requirements.

Analytics solutionsCheckboxEmptyIconAnalytics solutions are customer-owned and approved when solution is:
  • Customer-owned.

  • Integrated using available approved mechanisms.

  • Covered specifically under Customer ATO.

Contact your Medallia representative to evaluate the specific requirements.

Medallia Digital In App

Medallia Digital SDKCheckboxEmptyIconRequires client approval under agency specific Authority to Operate (ATO). APIs have FedRAMP authorization.
DashboardsCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
InboxCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
ReportsCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
ModulesCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
SurveysCheckmarkIconAll survey elements are available in GovCloud.
TargetingCheckmarkIconAll targeting types are available in GovCloud.
Translations (localization)CheckmarkIcon
Screen captureCancelXIconScreen capture is not available in GovCloud.
UsersCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available
CSS customizationCheckmarkIcon
Reusable fieldsCheckmarkIcon
Real-time alerts for feedbackCancelXIconLegacy capability, not available.
Advanced configurationCheckmarkIcon
App Rating engagementsCheckmarkIcon
Preview appCheckmarkIcon
Offline modeCancelXIcon
IntegrationsCheckboxEmptyIconIntegrations are customer-owned and approved when:
  • Component is customer-owned.

  • Integration is performed using available approved mechanisms.

  • It is covered specifically under Customer ATO.

Contact your Medallia representative to evaluate the specific integration requirements.

Analytics solutionsCheckboxEmptyIconAnalytics solutions are customer-owned and approved when solution is:
  • Customer-owned.

  • Integrated using available approved mechanisms.

  • Covered specifically under Customer ATO.

Contact your Medallia representative to evaluate the specific requirements.

Medallia Digital Anywhere

Digital AnywhereCancelXIcon

Digital Health Check

Digital Health CheckCancelXIcon

Digital sandbox

Digital sandboxCancelXIcon