Overview of the MXO Tag

We use integrity checking between the client and the MXO server to ensure the MXO Tag is protected from "man-in-the-middle" tampering. To ensure file integrity, a new instance of the tag is generated at the point of provisioning for each implementation environment. This ensures that only authenticated users of MXO have access to the specific version of the tag to be deployed, safeguarding file integrity.

The MXO Tag uses HTTPS to secure all communications, automatically updates to the latest version when available, and is served directly from the MXO server.

The one-tag.js script executes on page load without blocking or delaying the actual rendering of that page. The tag collects information about the page, such as the current URL, and can also be configured to collect additional metadata, if required. Specific data about a customer and their behavior is collected only if your brand explicitly chooses to collect that data. You can also customize the MXO Tag to execute code that runs in addition to the default tag code. This customized code is under the complete control of your brand.

Platform Security

Only MXO Operations team members have access to production data centers for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes. All access to our data centers is protected by a 2-factor authentication secured Virtual Private Network (VPN) routed through jump servers to prevent the direct download of any information.

Data is segregated by tenant using a unique identifier stored in the MXO database. All data is encrypted at rest using AES-256 bit encryption.

We have in place an organizational-wide incident management policy and procedure to manage suspected or actual breaches of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. The process establishes the steps to report and categorize weaknesses, events and incidents, incident treatment, incident communications, and evidence collection.

At the completion of a project’s scope of work, all copies of data and any derivative files provided to Medallia by a customer are destroyed. Examples of deleted data include data extracts and all information stored within databases.

The process for deleting data extracts consists of deleting the associated blob storage containers. All storage containers are exclusively provisioned for each customer and are encrypted to prevent recovery of deleted data.

The process for cleaning database records relies on cleanup scripts that run until the removal of all data remnants is complete. The scripts delete the data and launch a background process to guarantee data consistency after deletion, ensuring data is permanently deleted. We perform manual verification is to confirm the removal of all records. All databases are encrypted.

Inactive data, such as encrypted backups, is automatically overwritten within 30 days.