Sending key customer experience metrics

Important: This topic contains legacy content. See Adobe Analytics integration for updated information.

After completing the prerequisites for Adobe integration 1.0, set up the standard Nebula events with contextData, such as formid or feedbackUUID, to enrich that data with customer satisfaction or NPS scores. Depending on the scoring grade on Digital forms, those scores can be sent to Adobe as additional eVars.

Key score metrics from submitted feedback items are also available in Adobe Analytics as part of the feedback_submitted event.

The content of the event payload is represented as the internal field ID and its value:
<internal_field_name> : < Value>
Internal_field_name_name is the internal name of the form component as it appears in the form editor. Examples include OSAT_11 for satisfaction scores or LTR for NPS scores.

Internal Name field.

Value is the input form the end user for that score element in the specific feedback.