
The Profile Editor enables you to create Profiles containing data about the “wants and needs” of customers as well as understanding their emotions. It makes it easier to organize and visualize the data available in the Adaptive Engagement Profile (AEP), providing greater insight into context and behavior.

You can add individual data items to a Profile and organize those data items into categories. This allows you to build up your own "personalized" data dictionary, making the data you are most interested in easy to find and consume.

Think of a Profile as being an organizational view of your data a bit like a filing system. Each file in a filing system contains data relating to a specific category; for example, demographic, pyschographic, location, all Eligibility Rules used in a previous Summer campaign. The filing system allows you to know where to look for a specific item of data immediately.

Profiles - main screen

The Profile Editor provides a way of organizing data for viewing only. You cannot create new data items or Eligibility Rules directly from the Profile Editor.

Default Profile

By default, when you create a new Space, a customer Profile is also created. This customer Profile provides a basic level of information about an individual customer, as follows:

  • Customer Key.
  • Is Flash supported on their current device?
  • Is the customer a recognized customer?
  • Is the customer a member of the Control Group?
  • Date of customer's first interaction.
  • Number of days since the customer's first interaction.

To provide information about the number of days since a customer's first interaction, a default Eligibility Rule is also created.

Attributes for the default customer Profile are sorted into the following categories:

  • Common Attributes
  • Status
  • Demographics
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Interactions

Using Profiles with the Eligibility Rules Editor

The Profile view in the Eligibility Rules Editor makes it easy to find the data attributes you want, when creating Eligibility Rules.

When you open the Data Item Picker, the Profile view is the default view, unless you search for a data item that is not included in a Profile.

Profiles - Exp Editor