Editing your profile (Desktop)
When you first register or log into a new Medallia Ideas community you will be taken through a 'Profile wizard', a pop-up box that asks you for personal information such as your name and location. Ideas community owners can add questions to this profile pop-up box, so you may also be asked questions relevant to your community, for example, your age or the kind of work that you do.
The information that you enter when you register in a community makes up your profile, you can view and change your profile at any time.
Editing the information in your profile
To edit your profile:
Click on your user picture (or the blank user icon) that is at the right of the navigation menu.
On your profile page, underneath your user picture, you will see a link that says Edit. When you click this link, you will be able to edit the different fields in your profile and to change your user picture.
On the form that appears, make the required changes.
To save any changes that you make, use Next to go through all profile pages, then click Save.
Changing your profile picture
Follow the steps above to edit your profile.
Click on the button that says Upload a profile picture underneath your current profile picture (this box will be blank if you don't currently have a picture).
A window will open that allows you to choose or upload a file for your profile picture. You can select an image that you have already uploaded, or you can upload a new image.
If you want to upload a new image, click Choose File, browse your computer for the image you'd like to use, select it and then click 'Upload file'.
When the file has uploaded click the Save choice button, this will close the file upload window. Click Save at the bottom of the profile fields to save any changes you have made.